Level up your home chef skills with our flavor-packed, custom spice blends


“What’s for dinner?”

The dreaded question each of us has to answer every. single. day.

Finding the energy to get creative at mealtime after a full day can be exhausting, especially if you are cooking for your family.

Here at SaucyBrownGirl we know the healing power of homecooked food made with high-quality ingredients.

But we also know that often takes intentional planning, extra prep time, and a healthy dose of creativity to pull off.

That’s why we want to make it as easy as possible to infuse flavor in as few steps as possible and in half the time!

Our spices are inspired by global cuisine, sourced from vetted suppliers, and handcrafted to bring the perfect balance in a single spoonful (or two!) to keep mealtime simple and healthy - without compromising on flavor.

That’s why we include one of our family recipes with every spice purchase so that it’s easy-peasy to get started!

Try a new spice you’ve never heard of before or go for an old favorite…it’s up to you.


The brainchild of Naaznin Deaton, SaucyBrownGirl brand was inspired by her mother Sugra Keshavjee, the “original” SaucyBrownGirl. Naaznin has incorporated generations of her family’s recipes into her custom spice blends to help you take your meals and recipes up a notch!